Tuesday, February 9, 2010


We like to play games, but sometimes it's a challenge to find a game that works for a variety of ages AND doesn't take forever to play. Thanks to the Ng family (Dawn's sister Denise), we now have a perfect fit -- WHOONU? It's a little like Apples to Apples, but shorter and more satisfying for younger players, because you get points every time...
It's one of those games that helps you get to know the other people better, as you try to guess which one of the cards in your hand they will like the best. Some are no-brainers, like when it is mom's card, and you have the card "sleeping" in your hand (that hasn't happened yet),
but this one has -- a "horses" card for Abby-- almost a sure #1 pick by her!

The smile of a happy kid!
Zeke prepares to reveal his choices...and everyone waits eagerly to find out how well they picked his favorite card -- the higher rank the "whoozit" gives the card you picked for them, the more points you get..

Abby's turn at being the "whoozit" -- these are the cards we picked for her, and the order she put them in, L to R
(her most favorite on the left)

Even old guys enjoy the game :)


Amy Q said...

what fun!!! love the pics!!!

maestra said...

What a nice sister you have! :) Glad you are enjoying the game.